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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Alports Syndrome, Alport's Syndrome 2 forms 80% X-linked dom mutation Xg22 affects collagenIV, none, but HTN management develop ESRD dialysis renal transplantn re: transplant Anti-GBM nephritis in 5% trnsplts can develop in transplanted kidney since nrml BM (w/ nrm alpha -5) of transplant recognzd as foreign AG by AS pt. Transplanted AS males should be reglrly screened for anti-GBM antibody., Alport's Syndrome Tx none, but HTN management develop ESRD dialysis renal transplantn, Alport's Syndrome presentatn wide range extrarenal, too, Anti-GBM nephritis in 5% trnsplts can develop in transplanted kidney since nrml BM (w/ nrm alpha -5) of transplant recognzd as foreign AG by AS pt. Transplanted AS males should be reglrly screened for anti-GBM antibody. Tx remove AB from plasma, Alport's Syndrome presentatn GBM: thickening, thinning, splitting, Alport's Syndrome clinical features hematuris, gross children males proteinuria, HTN, more ESRD nephritic syndrome ind worse progress hearing loss ocular defects ant lenticonus protrusion of lens into ant capsule posterior capsule cataract macular flecks macrothrombocytopenia granulocytic inclusions diffuse leyomyomatosis, Alport's Syndrome charac nephritis progressive hereditary hematuric non-immune irrg glomrlr BM thickening thinning lamellation, Alport's Syndrome 2 forms auto recss auto dom mutation chromo2, Anti-GBM nephritis in 5% trnsplts can develop in transplanted kidney since nrml BM (w/ nrm alpha -5) of transplant recognzd as foreign AG by AS pt. Transplanted AS males should be reglrly screened for anti-GBM antibody. similar to Goodpasture's syndrome, Alport's Syndrome assctd w/ hearing loss oculr defects 15-30% abn platelet # and functn esophagl, upr GI, and genital leiomyomatosis
nephritic syndrome
goodpastures disease